Monday, November 1, 2010

Yearbook Nov. 1

Today is super awesome wall of text day, and it is all important (isn't it always?! the answer to that is yes, it always is!).

Oh, and its the new week. You've had forever to figure out your backpack situation, and were warned last week. No mercy.

Grades, grades, grades; First things first, I need you to go back to your previous post where you uploaded the screenshot, and save the image to your computer if you had deleted it before. Next I need you to crop it to the page design and if you need to, blur your account name on the sticky (if it could give away your identity). You can use iPhoto or Photoshop to do this. If you need help, let me know. To stress how much you should actually do this, it will be for a grade.

If your blog doesn't have the recent comments gadget, it probably hurt you on the progress report. If you haven't already added it, I'm going to check again this afternoon. (hint: That means add it if you haven't already). Some of you STILL don't have it on your blog. ADD IT!

Also, check your comments, some of you have a few other posts to edit as well.

Homework for next class: Look at your pages. Either of them have a club or event? Write a letter to the club or event sponsor. Have two clubs or events? Have no clubs or events? Come see me. Inquire about going to one of their meetings to learn more about their club and who's in it. Sign it 'Your yearbook representative," followed by your name. Don't know how to write a letter? Google is your friend. Purdue, UsingEnglish, HowToWriteALetter,'s Tips, WikiHow. Wouldn't you hate to have homework hall for yearbook? That'd be totally lame, so write a letter before next class.

November is the Month of Sales. What's that mean? At the end of November, we have to know how many yearbooks we are buying. That means all of you need to be talking it up, selling it to those you know are interested. Due BEFORE thanksgiving break- FIVE (5) yearbook sells (If you aren't here the 22nd or 23rd, you need to have it in by the 19th). Extra Credit? Sell yearbook ads if you'd like extra credit. Handing someone a flier isn't making a sell, it's just saying 'Here, you throw this away'. The only sells that will count are those that we actually have payment for... Make sure you have yearbook order forms, and advertisement order forms (extra credit may be your friend), and that they have your name on them on the 'yearbook representative' when submitted with payment to get credit for them. They may have a coupon from the newspaper, that's fine. They can only use one though, and make sure you check the date, they do have expiration dates.

Oh, and by the way... TODAY work on your studioworks pages.
Hal Schmidt of Taylor Publishing has some useful yearbook slideshows and stuff on Studio Works. Open it and bookmark it, and make sure you can find that bookmark and can return to his website through that bookmark. I'll come by at some point in the class to make sure you can, so make sure you can do it without a hitch.

Don't forgot your daily Blog Entry!! Add some reflection in there, just one or two sentences isn't quality and doesn't give you a very impressive grade. Some of you have some really great posts, but some of you are also very minimal in your writing.

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