Monday, November 29, 2010

Yearbook 11/25

Photography stuff to check out:
These are all taken by high schoolers. If you notice the left-hand menu; you can see previous years winners as well. Notice that a lot of the winners are similar to some of the styles we are using in the yearbook. Keep your mind open for any ideas that may strengthen your pages.

Some amazing shots in here as well, both in modern and more traditional styles. Once again, keep your mind open as your looking over some of them. If you use the little drop down menus, you can see a multitude of galleries focusing on different subjects.

Five different categories, including a section specifically for digitally altered work. Take a look through a couple different galleries, and once again keep your mind open.

Post in your blog any potential ideas you gained from looking over these photo galleries.

Yearbook sales are above 70.
Some of you did just fine making your sales, but some people didn't seem to allot the appropriate time. If you are one of those, you can try again if you choose. Try to get five sales between today and finals to average out that grade with an extra one (if you choose to).

Your major project for the last month of this semester is to entirely finish one of your pages. (The second one will need to be entirely finished the first three weeks back).

Sounds easy enough right? Well... its a little more complicated than that.
To be officially completed you need a number of people to approve your page.

First; the directors need to sign off on your page.
Once you believe your page is finished, the directors will be the first to make sure that the content of your page fits and flows with the book's theme and is of good quality.
Dir. of Design: checks layout
Dir. of Photography: checks photos and photoshop work
Dir. of Writing: checks written content and captions
Dir. of Technology: checks for any potential issues in printing

Second; an assistant editor needs to sign off on your page.
The assistant editor will look over all things on the page.
You will also need a representative of the page's content to sign off on the page, to assure that whats on the page is an accurate representation. If your page is of a club, that make this really easy; as it will simply be someone in the club. If it is an event, see if the event sponsor or the group that hosted the event can sign off on it. Otherwise, talk to me and we can figure it out.

Third; main editor needs to sign off on your page.
The main editor will look over all things on the page.

Forth; yearbook advisor needs to sign off on your page.
The yearbook advisor is the final check before the yearbook page is sent to the publishing company.

At any point through this, the page may be sent back to you with things that need to be changed or fixed, which may require you to start back at some of the directors. Try to get all of this finished sooner rather than later so you aren't sweating it the last week of the semester.

Sign off sheets will be available next class.

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