Sunday, November 21, 2010

Multimedia 11/21

Complete your numbers table, and the image of yourself made from different foods you ate. Upload the numbers file as a PDF and link it in your blog. Post the image you made as well. Afterwards, complete any work you hadn't finished, as progress reports are completed over fall break.

You had a form for thursday and friday; can you remember saturday and sunday? You'll only be able to create your picture from the foods you ate; so trying to remember the weekend might help. With your week completed, can your create a final pages with averages for the week? Check my example if your confused.

When complete, upload your image as well as your completed food log. If you use the print > pdf method we've been using; you'll only get one page. Instead, in the overhead menu, go to file, then export, and make sure pdf is selected. Then you can upload it complete with each page of your numbers file.

More About Typography
Typography isn't just pictures made of words... theres much more to it then that. Poster and document design can also make good, or poor, use of typography.

Look at some of the typographic work below to see some other examples of typography.

Its even more than just images too. Its also used in video, often called kinetic typography. Some examples have been around for quite a while in movies, most commonly seen in movie credits. With technology becoming more and more available, and easier and easier to use, kinetic typography has gained popularity as well. Majority of these are created with Adobe After Effects, however, similar productions could be made with clever use of online applications like Prezi in combination with iMovie. I've provided a few examples below, if the videos have trouble, use firefox.

From a notorious radio news broadcast in 1938

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  1. I really liked the presentations that were made of Prezi; are we going to make something like this in class?

  2. When we get back from the fall break you will have the opportunity if you choose.
