Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Today during your Multimedia Final

Come sign up for a slot to present your work to me. You will have to transfer it over to my computer before you present them to me. Sign up slots are first come first serve. If you can't sign up in a spot properly, you will be one of the first people to present.

Take the Short survey.

Short Answer Semester End Reflection
As always, use several full sentences to answer these questions.

Tell me about what you've learned this semester. How have your work efforts contributed to your work and progress in this class? How could (or have) the things you've done this semester aid you for other classes or other possibilities in your future? Which assignment or project was the most challenging? Why? Which assignment did you enjoy more than others? Why?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Schedule

7:45- period 9 exam
9:50- period 11 class
11:00- period 13 class
12:10- lunch
1:05- period 15 exam

7:45- period 1 exam
9:50- period 7 exam
11:55- lunch

7:45- period 11 exam
9:50- period 13 exam
11:55- lunch

7:45- period 3 exam
9:50- period 5 exam
11:55- lunch

December 13th

Continue working on assignments.

Don't forget your daily blog post.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Yearbook Today

Work diligently on your projects and impress the substitute. Like every sub day you will have in here, it counts as a quiz grade. Your grade for the day will be based on two things; a- one the sub reports on you, b- what you show me on your blog for what you did today.

For a good grade, make sure you impress him and me. If you can not stay on task, there is an alternate assignment of reading and comparing documents in essay format. Behavior problems will result in detentions. You do NOT need to leave the room today. ocus on getting the pictures you have edited and uploaded, the content written, the layout complete, and the page approved.

Mugshots (except seniors) have been loaded into the yearbook program already. You should be able to figure out approximately which ones go on your page if you count. We may have to change an image or two here or there, but you'll have most of it done already at least.

Don't forget, you're running low on time...
Open lab on Saturday (starting at around 10:30 or so), and Monday.
Your page MUST be finished by the last class day for a good grade this six weeks,
even more so if you've opted out of the paper final.

Don't forget you need to have your page signed off on, as this is a separate grade of equal importance. You are just about out of class days, you need to start getting this taken care of, or you will run out of time. There are quite a few of you, if you all wait til next week to ask them, a lot of you probably won't have you work signed off. You need to make the most of your class time. Waiting til the last minute is how you end up with grades you aren't happy with. If you've been applying your time as you should, you've had approximately six weeks to work on your page. You are responsible for your page, get help is great, by in the end, you need to make sure it's done. Your page should be amazing by now. Make it amazing now, if it isn't already.

Don't forget your daily blog post!! A good post is required for a good grade. Your blog wouldn't work? You have hands, explain what you got accomplished on paper. Page locked? You, and your classmates, should be able to unlock your page most the time. Try to unlock it, if it wont let you, try relogging in, or asking a classmate to see if it will let them.

Multimedia December 8th

If you haven't noticed... I am not here today.

Work diligently on your projects and impress the substitute. Like every sub day you will have in here, it counts as a quiz grade. Your grade for the day will be based on two things; a- one the sub reports on you, b- what you show me on your blog for what you did today.

For a good grade, make sure you impress him and me.If you can not stay on task, there is an alternate assignment of reading and comparing documents in essay format. Behavior problems will result in detentions.

Don't forget, you're running low on time...
Open lab on Saturday (starting at around 10:30 or so), and Monday.

Yearbook 12/8

Continue Working on your yearbook page.

Don't forget it needs to be ready for printing by Dec. 17th.
Ready for printing? You need to have your page approved. As soon as someone can sign off on it, start getting signatures. Are your pictures done? Talk to the Dir. of Photography. Writing complete? Talk to the Dir. of Writing. Layout complete? Talk to the Dir. of Design. If you wait til next Friday you'll be out of luck. You have about a week until the deadline, waiting til the last minute will only get you burned. You've been given 3 weeks to finalize the page, after already having 3 weeks to do what you could on it. This is a big grade!

Don't forget your daily blog post. Let me know what you got accomplished today. What do you still need to do? How close are you to be finished? How many signatures do you still need?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Multimedia Today 12/7

If, for some reason, you have any work you haven't uploaded yet, you need to.

Check your blog (what some people are missing):
you should have 6 photoshopped images total:
2 pen tool images, 2 photo-adjustments, 1 typography image, and 1 food collage
you should have something you created in illustrator
spell-with-flickr, anatomy of typography, war on china's blogs, & pixel vs vector

Continue working on your final project.

A-day multimedia final is Wednesday Dec. 15th.
B-day multimedia final is Tuesday Dec. 14th.
You will need to be prepared to talk about your final project for about 3 minutes.

If you would like to help tonight, or would like extra credit...
the IB/MYP Expo is tonight at 6:30. It won't be anything difficult.
It would be nice to have two students interested in helping tonight.

Don't forget your daily blog post.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Extra Credit? Open Lab?

Need extra credit?
Opportunity next Tuesday night. Ask for more details.

Need to come in and work?
After school Availability:
Friday Dec. 3, Tuesday Dec. 7, Wednesday Dec. 8,
Saturday Dec. 11th (by appointment only, if no one is interested then I'll enjoy sleeping instead)
Dates for finals week not yet available.

Yearbook 12/3

Continue working on your page.

Having trouble? Need inspiration? Fall yearbook magazine just came in and might have something that may aid you. Let me know if you want to take a look.

Last day to decide whether you want a yearbook final or for your finished page to double count for as a six weeks project and your final grade. Not sure? Want a sneak peak at the style of the test? Come talk to your instructor. List of topics to study will be ready next class.

Digital Artists... I have a couple things to show you. If you have nothing to do, there is something else you could work on as well. Let me know if your interested.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Multimedia Today 12/3

Continue working on your project.

Follow the simplified design cycle. The text below may aid you.
- Identifying the Problem and the Brief
What is the task that you were given?

- Researching and Specifications
What did you look at to learn more and better understand the topic?

- Generating Ideas
What ideas are you considering?

- Developing the Chosen Solution
How do you intend to turn your best idea into reality?

- Planning and Realizing the Chosen Solution
Sketch out the layout you intend to use, and post a sample of the style of work or subject matter you intend to further.

- Testing and Evaluating the Chosen Solution
How did everything turn out? What are you most proud of? What could of been improved? If you were to continue developing these ideas, what would be the next step?

If you're interested in extra credit or would just like to help Tuesday night, talk to me.