Monday, February 7, 2011

Multimedia today!

Today we will discuss a few things. If there is anything you didn't finish last class, be sure to do so today. If you haven't looked up anything in regards to Egypt and Social Media, now would be a good time to do so.

I will be at a technology conference Tuesday through Friday of this week. What you show me these days will be quiz grades. You will have a mini-project in Keynote to work on while I am gone. You will be creating an animated text. The example will be posted for you tomorrow. You will need a piece of writing that is free-use or public domain. I suggest using Project Gutenberg, a long standing free ebook site.

Project Gutenberg is able to legally provide the books for free because the copyright on the titles offered have expired, thus making it Public Domain. Keep in mind, these laws are based on the country in which you and the website reside in. The books are free to Americans, based on when the American Copyright expired and based on American Law, but it may differ in other countries based on their laws.

If you're caught up on everything from previous classes, go ahead and find a public domain text you would like to use for the mini-project you will work on this week. Keep in mind, just because you can find certain titles in Public Domain, doesn't mean you should use them. Make sure the text you've selected contains no inappropriate content or language.

Don't forget your daily blog post.

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