Quite a few of you have adjustments you need to make on your blogs; posts or comments that have your full name, other students' or teachers' names, the school's name, the city's name, and/or pictures of yourself. This must change. Check your blog, remove as needed.
If someone can browse through your blog, comments on your blog, or your uploaded PDF file and find out your full name, our school's name, or a teacher's or student's name, then your blog is releasing personal information online, which is against district policy. So, if any of that is you... (check, don't just assume) then fix it.
0- Current Events
NHS inductions tonight, anyone going to be there?
Report Card Pickup is next Thursday Night. This would be a time to have advertising up.
2- Current Events
Homecoming and a Pep Rally just passed. What can you do to help provide content in your area on these topics. Figure it out for you particular area and get started on that.
3- Job Specific
Photographers: Trade off. One student: research more information about photography compositions and techniques. Other student: Tour the building. Think about composition and your photographic knowledge up to this point. Us this knowledge to take interesting photos of the building, architecture, courtyards, etc. You are not visiting any classrooms at this time. Next class, students switch tasks. (Same as last time, but switch positions with other photographer)
Writers & captions: Create a form for Student/Parent ads for the yearbook. These are often seen in the back of yearbooks, and allow parent's to express their pride and celebration of their student's success.
Marketers: Continue marketing goals.
Marketers: Continue marketing goals.
Posters and Parent-ads ready for report card pick-up night; this happens next Thursday!
Digital Artists:
Work work! First look up typography design, and how it is utilized for advertising. Find 3 examples you like and post them in your blog.
Next, use photoshop to deign an advertisement for the yearbook to be in the newspaper.
Work needs to be in black and white. Use typography to make it interesting and eye-catching. If you use the school's name in the ad, don't post it in your blog. On your blog or not, you need to email me your work as well. Time constraint!! Due at the end of class! Work work work!
ID Staff: A day? Continue working on website.
B day? Come see me.
Designers: Look at feedback on design work. Keep sticky notes attached. Find one you like, consider the feedback provided. Open pages, create a new document (canvas, not word processing; profile, not landscape) and utilize the program to try and recreate the layout in this program. Pages is less complicated than our actual yearbook software, but they are comparable. This will be a nice start before jumping into the yearbook software.
Need some short video tutorials? Check out Apple's tutorials. Lynda also has some free video tutorials.
Don't forget to blog about what you did today!