I'm not here most of the day (wednesday- helping with field trip, thursday- helping with eoc's). That means today is a
quiz grade. Forgot to do this last time we were testing as I didn't have an actual sub.
Evidence that you show me (+ sub feed back) of what you got done today will count as a Quiz Grade!
Some of you are behind, and didn't turn stuff in last three weeks.You can still pass the six weeks, and you still hold around ~45% of your grade for the semester in your hands between the six weeks and the final. Be productive and you can succeed.
If you've finished everything else you can work on in here, something to work on:
Put the following on your blog. Locked out of your blog, or some other excuse? Google doc, Drop Box, or find some other way to get the work to me instead. Work needs to be turned in during class on the day of the sub, otherwise I don't know that you actually produced the work in class.
Sub Day Task One
You should know the answers to these questions.
1. When can I submit my yearbook order?
2. How do I get an order form?
3. Where do I take my order?
4. How much does the book cost?
5. Isn't that expensive for a yearbook?
6. How do I get my book personalized, like my name, on the front cover?
7. How many pages is the book?
8. How much of it is in color?
9. What's a QR Code?
10. Why do I care about a QR code?
11. How many QR codes will there be?
12. What are the different categories of stuff for the QR codes?
13. How long will the QR codes last?
14. When will I get my yearbook?
15. How can I find out if I already bought one?
All of the above have correct and incorrect answers. Don't know the answers? Ask around.
Add a few ideas on how we could use the QR codes:
Sub Day Task Two
Research different famous photographers or photojournalists. Find one that you like or appreciate and tell me about them.
Provide at least two examples of work by them you like, and tell me why you think the photographs are good photographs.