Your pages were due Friday. Notes have been left on some of the pages. If there is a note on your page, try to make the necessary changes.
Despite being due last friday, there are pages that look far from finished. Even with having to reassign pages, you still had two and a half weeks. They will be graded this afternoon (giving you just short of three weeks total despite reassigning). You were given a rubric to follow four weeks ago. You might want to look over it again, before I grade them. There are still extra copies sitting on the printer with the yearbook page approval sheet.
I suggest you also look over pages 16-33. This is the quality we are looking for. The font size for captions should be 10, writing about the club/event should be size 11. Go back and forth between some of the pages between 16-33 and your own. Make the appropriate changes to make your page fit in with the rest.
You also need to sign up for a new page. We've tried having one person work on a page with both a long and medium length of time. For too many of you, this hasn't seemed to work. So, instead lets try having a pair of you work on a page for a shorter period of time. You will have two weeks to work on this page with a partner. Make sure you both agree to be partners.
Once you and a partner have chosen a page, start planning how you are going to complete a page in two weeks. You need to try to talk to the staff sponsor for the club or event today or tomorrow. Talk to students who are involved in it in the next day or two. Find out when they meet, and take pictures. They could be meeting today! Find out asap. If they don't meet within the next two pages, then obviously you need a new page asap, so it'd be best to find out today. It would be ideal to get pictures THIS week, don't wait til next week.
On your blog today, I want you to tell me which page you are working on, who your partner (first names only) is, and what your plan is for getting your page finished. Copy and paste the template below into your blog and map out the plan.
2/01 Tuesday:
2/02 Wednesday:
2/03 Thursday:
2/04 Friday:
2/05 Saturday:
2/06 Sunday:
2/07 Monday:
2/08 Tuesday:
2/09 Wednesday:
2/10 Thursday:
2/11 Friday:
2/12 Saturday:
2/13 Sunday:
2/14 Monday:
2/15 Tuesday: