Monday, January 31, 2011

Yearbook Today!

Your pages were due Friday. Notes have been left on some of the pages. If there is a note on your page, try to make the necessary changes.

Despite being due last friday, there are pages that look far from finished. Even with having to reassign pages, you still had two and a half weeks. They will be graded this afternoon (giving you just short of three weeks total despite reassigning). You were given a rubric to follow four weeks ago. You might want to look over it again, before I grade them. There are still extra copies sitting on the printer with the yearbook page approval sheet.

I suggest you also look over pages 16-33. This is the quality we are looking for. The font size for captions should be 10, writing about the club/event should be size 11. Go back and forth between some of the pages between 16-33 and your own. Make the appropriate changes to make your page fit in with the rest.

You also need to sign up for a new page. We've tried having one person work on a page with both a long and medium length of time. For too many of you, this hasn't seemed to work. So, instead lets try having a pair of you work on a page for a shorter period of time. You will have two weeks to work on this page with a partner. Make sure you both agree to be partners.

Once you and a partner have chosen a page, start planning how you are going to complete a page in two weeks. You need to try to talk to the staff sponsor for the club or event today or tomorrow. Talk to students who are involved in it in the next day or two. Find out when they meet, and take pictures. They could be meeting today! Find out asap. If they don't meet within the next two pages, then obviously you need a new page asap, so it'd be best to find out today. It would be ideal to get pictures THIS week, don't wait til next week.

On your blog today, I want you to tell me which page you are working on, who your partner (first names only) is, and what your plan is for getting your page finished. Copy and paste the template below into your blog and map out the plan.

2/01 Tuesday:

2/02 Wednesday:

2/03 Thursday:

2/04 Friday:

2/05 Saturday:

2/06 Sunday:

2/07 Monday:

2/08 Tuesday:

2/09 Wednesday:

2/10 Thursday:

2/11 Friday:

2/12 Saturday:

2/13 Sunday:

2/14 Monday:

2/15 Tuesday:

Multimedia Today!

As you can see... I am not here today.

That means today's participation is a quiz grade!
Part of it is based on the notes I receive when I get back, the rest is based on what you show me on your blog. If you don't blog today, the most you can get (even with a stellar report) is a 70.

Since I am not here today, we will have to wait to finish the presentations on Wednesday and Friday. So, what will you be doing today?

You have several tasks prepared for you.

1st- Take survey's from student's who presented last class if you haven't already (assuming you were here last class).

2nd- Using the illustration below, label each item (1-11) and whether it in input or output.

3rd- Web 2.0 Tool write up: We will be creating a database of web 2.0 tools for you and your peers. As you have had to research a Web 2.0 Tool and give a presentation of it, you should know yours pretty well. The main part of today's assignment is a write up on your Web 2.0 Tool. Structure of your write up into several sections, as shown below:

Name of Web 2.0 Tool
What: What is it?/What does it do?/What does it offer users? (include a screenshot)
Features: What's good about it? (include a screenshot)
Criticism: What issues or negatives are there?
Educational Use: How could this be useful to students, teachers, or in the classroom?
Link to Web 2.0 Tool.
Citations or Sources

You should have at least one paragraph per bolded section. So, at the very least, your write up should be four paragraphs. As always, use proper english. This means pay attention to your grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and etc.

4th- Cooliris
Check out Cooliris.
It can be used both on desktop machines like these, but also on mobile devices.
You can even put a Cooliris 3D Wall on your blog.

Play with Cooliris. Do you feel its just another search engine with a flashy appearance? Tell me what you think.

Try to post a Cooliris 3d Wall on your blog.
note: you will have to use an embed code just like with your surveys, and paste it into the 'edit html' tab of your blog.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yearbook Today

Today is Friday the 28th.
That should mean your page should be finished.
It would be a good idea to look over the rubric again for any last minute adjustments.

If you aren't done by the end of class, maybe you should consider coming into work on your page outside of class. I'm here most lunch periods, most days after school, and often on saturdays (including this saturday).

Grades for the Progress Report went in Yesterday
If you don't have the grade you were expecting...
- did you create a plan for your yearbook page?
- have you been on task during class?
- have you been maintaining and posting a quality blogpost each class?
- what have you done on your page so far?
- and, to a lesser degree, what was your IIW grade?

Multimedia Today

If you haven't already, make sure your survey is embedded in your blog. Make sure you have used the sharing options in google docs to share the document with me.

Be ready to present. Names will be drawn at random. If you're not ready when your name is called, your project is late. You will need to connect the projector to the computer. You will also need to find a way to transfer your keynote to the computer on which it is being presented.

Class will be divided roughly into multiple parts.
- setup; those drawn to present today will transfer their presentations to the computer we are using to present. Others students will begin short activity.
- students will present.
- short period of time to take surveys and continue short activity.
- additional students present if time.

Make sure you take the Surveys from last class

Today's Short Activity
Tell me what input and output are on your blog.
Some possibly helpful links:
You are, of course, welcome to use other sources as well.

There is also a short card sorting activity (with a partner).

Grades for the Progress Report went in Tuesday
If you don't have the grade you were expecting...
- have you been on task during class?
- have you been maintaining and posting a quality blogpost each class?
- and, to a lesser degree, what was your IIW grade?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Multimedia Today

We will spend part of class discussing and demonstrating how to setup the projector.

Check previous blog entry, make sure everything is completed in it.
This includes sharing with a peer and creating a google doc survey.

Once you've completed you're google doc survey, embed it into your blog and also go into sharing settings and type in my email address. If you are having trouble, ask for help and I will help you.

Yearbook Today

Continue working on your page. Hopefully you're getting pretty close to finishing... as it's due Friday. If you haven't looked at the Rubric in a while, you might want to revisit it.

Don't forget to blog at the end of class.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Multimedia Today

1- Prepare your keynote presentation. Check again for any typos or spelling errors. Mentally and physically rehearse what you will say and how you will present. Keep in mind, you want to give a presentation that is still professional and academic, but not boring.

2- Once you feel ready, walk one your classmates through your presentation.
Explain your keynote presentation to them the same way you intend to present it to the class. Ask them for feedback. Were there any areas in your presentation that seemed weak? Anything that could be improved? Were they bored? If so, how could you reduce boredom but still remain professional? Were there any errors in your presentation? Were there any parts of your presentation that felt unclear or muddled?

3- Use their feedback to improve your presentation. In your blog, let me know how your rehearsal presentation went, what feedback they gave you, and how you addressed their feedback?

4- A big part of this project is about receiving feedback. Trying to create a presentation that won't bore your peers. So, the last part of the project is to create a survey form in Google Docs and link it in your presentation (and also on your blog).

To create your Survey
First open google docs.
Click 'Create New', and select 'Form'.
Here you will be able to enter the survey questions. You must click done on a question before you can edit another. To edit a question, you must mouse over the question then click the pencil on the far right. At the top of the screen, notice the options; you must use the 'Add Item' to add new questions.
Once finished, click the embed option in the top right of the screen, and paste the html tag into your blog to show that you've completed it.
Questions should include; Name. How does the presentation compare to most presentations you've seen? Was this presentation able to keep your attention? Was there something new you didn't know about before? Do you think this web 2.0 tool could aid you in school?

Next class we will look at the hardware involved with the projector, and how to set it up with the mac. You will also have a little more time next class period to complete today's work and your keynote presentation. It will be the last day of in-class time for it. Don't forget to add the link to your web 2.0 tool in the slideshow, as well as a link to your blog for them to take the survey.

Yearbook Today

Continue working on your pages.

Roughly half way through the period, I will come around to see what you have so far. It should be finished at the end of next week.

Don't forget to blog at the end of class.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Multimedia Today

First) Read over an article with a peer. Discuss your article with your peer. Be ready to tell the class about the article and your opinion.

Second) Continue working on your keynote presentations. You should be getting pretty close to finishing it. Look over spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Giving a good presentation requires proper use of the language you are presenting in.

Put a link in your presentation to the Web 2.0 Tool you will be presenting on.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Yearbook Today

Continue working on your current page (project grade). It is due in roughly two weeks time.

Follow the rubric to get the grade you would like. To do well on the approval sheet(quiz grade), it would be smart to aim for this Thursday/Friday to start getting signatures and finding out what to fix. The last class day of this week, you will be graded on what you have done so far. I am not expecting it to be entirely finished, but I am expecting a fair effort to already be done(quiz grade). A fair effort means there should already be some pictures up that are edited in the proper style, captions and copy writing, and page layout. Waiting till the week your page is due is NOT a good idea.

It would be a good idea to look at some of the pages from 16-32 in the software. These pages are completed and already submitted. They should give you a good idea of at what quality we are looking for in layout, pictures, captions, writing, etc.

You should be able to get down your layout design, and begin copy writing, as well as find out when you need to take photos.

A fair number of you do not spend your class time working(daily grade) nor update your blog each class (daily grade). You need to spend class time working on your page to get a good participation/work effort grade. You need to be updating your blog explaining what you've got accomplished each day to do well on the blog check. Some of you haven't blogged since last semester, some of you haven't logged into studio works since last semester, and theres even a few of you who have done neither.

Failing to do any of these things will make it hard to have a passing grade. Like always, you are welcome to come for extra time most days at lunch and after school. You are also welcome to come and borrow a camera to get pictures taken. It is your responsibility to get these your page complete, not someone else's.

Ladder has been updated:
If you are not on the ladder, you need to see me.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Multimedia Jan 14th has some videos on presentations and on keynote that you can check out. We have keynote '09 installed, so to watch specific videos on our version, follow that link. There are a lot of other great videos online regarding presentations, you are welcome to look for them. There are also tons of articles you may look at.

If you feel you have a good mastery over what to do, or what not to do in a presentation, then begin working on your keynote presentation over your web 2.0 tool. Try to keep in mind what makes a good presentation, and what doesn't when designing your presentation.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Multimedia Today

First: Class Discussion
"Powerpoint makes us stupid."
           -Marine Corps Gen. James N. Mattis
Do you agree or disagree?

Second: Flip through the 'Death by Powerpoint' slides below.

Death by Powerpoint is a fairly well known phrase, and has its own Wiki entry.

Look up a few things on the problems and issues with powerpoint presentations. Find anything interesting or other issues/solutions not in the slides above? Post a few on your blog.

Third: Play with Keynote
Check out some of Apple's Tutorials on Keynote and play with the software.

End of Class: Daily blog post

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


First, you need to look into Web 2.0 tools. Find a couple different ones you want to know more about.

After experimenting with the web 2.0 tools a bit more, choose a first and second choice. It would be a good idea to have an additional backup choice or two, as no two students may choose the same one. Your goals will be to experiment with the tool and learn how to use it, then to assess its pros and cons, and how it can aid students. If your web 2.0 tool can not meet these requirements, you will have to choose another.

On your blog, tell me what a web 2.0 tool is. Provide a link on your blog regarding your first and second choice and tell me why you chose them.

Tell me about what other tools you used, and what you were able to get accomplished with the tools you would like to use for your presentation.

At the end of class, please shutdown your computer, return the mouse and keyboard to the position they began in.

January 5, 2011

Welcome back. Hopefully you had a great holiday break. Hopefully you noticed how the keyboard and mouse was setup in relation to the computer when you sat down. You will be expected to return it to this position at the end of the class.

We will talk a bit as a class first. We will review the syllabus, and class expectations.

Next we will discuss our first project for the new semester. Afterwards, I will provide more information regarding it on the blog.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yearbook Jan. 4

Welcome back from the Winter break. Hopefully you noticed how the keyboard and mouse was setup in relation to the computer when you sat down. You will be expected to return it to this position at the end of the class.

The spring semester will be very deadline oriented. We will have a class discussion over a few things before you begin working today.

In your blog today, you will need to present your plan to to comply with the first deadline. You have three weeks, you need to have an outline of what you will work on each week. Try to leave extra time at the end, so if things don't go quite the way you expected, you can still get things finished without too much stress.

You may begin working once you have your plan.

End of Class: Don't forget to summarize what you got accomplished on your blog, as well as what you need to do next. Shutdown your computer, return the mouse and keyboard to the position they began in.